
sam gif

Welcome to

I use this site to showcase some of my latest and best short films as well as lots of other projects! So if you are interested scroll down! Also go visit my other sites to see more interesting stuff!

What am I working on?

The Daily Dhar.

The official news of FSO and affiliates, and your information on the internet & the world.

Spoiled Kid Buys Xbox On Mother's Credit Card,
Instantly regrets it.

I had to use vimeo because yt doesn't let me embed due to copyright :(.

My latest production.

As my contribution to FSO Industries, I produced the new Sam Mann video, I worked with with the director Sam Woolley and three other actors.  It was fun to make and you should check out the finished product. 

Stardust Productions

Stardust logo

Who are we?

Stardust is my own film company that produces a variety of 3d animations, 2d animations and even live-action films. Most of these films are PG-13 or 12 rated because there is mild violence. One of our most popular films is SGT Donkey which is about a donkey who is in the special forces and is told to eliminate a really dangerous threat to the UK government.  Check it out here.

FSO Industries


FSO Industries logo.

The FSO Industries Website.

This is the website of the company FSO Industries (I am CEO/CFO of it), and on this site you will find all of the FSO products, for example the fan-loved FSO Plums and the luxury FSO Art, not to forget FSO's own program called FSO Image Viewer, which is a free to use versatile program that can be used on windows to view your images in a more premium way. To visit the site click here.

My Old Website


An image of one of the sites on oldwebsite.


This used to be my old website until I changed it but it is still useable today if you go to or click the link above. This site has multiple things on it but the best is probably the "Zoom That Rick". 

Set up a web page with Mobirise